Dissertation Assistance | Tips to Make It Work


When properly done and organized, even dissertation writing can become quite enjoyable and pleasant despite all the workload and intensity of the research.

So we gathered some really important tips and tricks you want to know when writing your project.

Organize yourself and your environment. 

  • Make it your habit to always have a pen and a notebook so that when you have an idea, just write it down. Sometimes ideas come suddenly, when and where you least expect it. So be prepared to make the most of every spark of inspiration by noting your thoughts down. Later you will be able to put them into order, when you get back to your desk. Writing is a good exercise, and in the course of time, you will notice that your thoughts and sentences become more organized and need less correction.
  • Voice recorder app should be easily accessible on your device so when you can’t or don’t want to write things down, you can just say your thoughts out loud and later put them in writing. Practice your eloquence. You will need it.
  • Set your writing goals. Whether it’s a daily goal or a weekly goal, it must be set, therefore you know how much you are to write and what result you are to achieve by a certain time. Make your own deadlines for writing parts of your dissertation. You will get used to the schedule and the process will go smoother.
  • Reward yourself. It’s just as necessary as setting goals. Make rewards small but pleasant. But hold back from rewarding yourself greatly, you will be able to do that after the defense. For now, enjoy the small victories.
  • Think beforehand. You should know what you are going to write about before you start writing. So, if you planned to write next morning, think of what exactly you are going to write the evening before. It will save your time and put your thoughts in order.
  • Turn off all unnecessary devices when writing.  When you are prepared to complete another part of your dissertation, the last thing you want to happen is notifications and calls that are not important to come through. If you plan to write for a half an hour, make it 30 minutes of silence. It will prevent your ideas from falling to pieces and thus will save your precious time and health.
  • Don’t compare yourself to your fellow students. You have your own project and should only be concerned about that. Do not distract yourself with how others handle their researches or how far they got. Focus on your own work and how to get it right.
  • Plan your day. The rule is to write every day. It will ensure the progress and success in the end. So to have time for writing, plan your day. And the best thing to do is to write in time when you are refreshed and can work efficiently. For some it’s morning, for some it’s afternoon, and for others it’s evening. So take it into consideration when you make a schedule.

Write enthusiastically. 

  • Create an outline. Simple plan of writing will help you to cover all points and avoid leaving something behind.
  • Put in writing everything you already know or have learnt about the subject. It will be a basis of your research. You will be able to amend and change it later, but in the beginning, it will organize your thoughts and knowledge.
  • Don’t be obsessed with the chapter or outline order. Don’t try to write sentence by sentence and chapter by chapter. It seldom to never works like that. You found out and researched something – write it down. You will find a specific place in your project for it later.
  • Consult with your advisor regularly. The more often you do it, the easier it is to correct the mistakes and make changes. It’s less difficult to correct small part of text and its flow and direction than alter entire chapter or several chapters at once. Correcting smaller parts frequently will save you from frustration and necessity to rewrite the whole thing in the end.
  • Get ready to say good bye to large pieces of the research when editing. Yes, when you put all things together, you will realize that many parts of what you have already written are not relevant to the research. So be prepared for a farewell.
  • Just write. Let it flow. Don’t re-read, don’t come back, don’t rephrase or alter. You will do all that after you have finished writing.

Dedication and concentration will help you to successfully complete your dissertation project. And with our tips, you know how to make it easier.

However, if you believe that dissertation writing is not exactly your calling or not something that you can do on your own, you are always welcome to contact us for dissertation assistance. We can help you with both writing and revisions. Our support will free you from many writing, revising, and editing burdens.